
Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)

Cite as:

Güntner, Andreas; Sharifi, Ehsan; Haas, Julian; Boergens, Eva; Dahle, Christoph; Dobslaw, Henryk; Dorigo, Wouter; Dussailant, Inés; Flechtner, Frank; Jäggi, Adrian; Kosmale, Miriam; Luojus, Kari; Mayer-Gürr, Torsten; Meyer, Ulrich; Preimesberger, Wolfgang; Ruz Vargas, Claudia; Zemp, Michael (2024): Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P). V. 1.12. GFZ Data Services.


I   N       R   E   V   I   E   W : Güntner, Andreas; Sharifi, Ehsan; Haas, Julian; Boergens, Eva; Dahle, Christoph; Dobslaw, Henryk; Dorigo, Wouter; Dussailant, Inés; Flechtner, Frank; Jäggi, Adrian; Kosmale, Miriam; Luojus, Kari; Mayer-Gürr, Torsten; Meyer, Ulrich; Preimesberger, Wolfgang; Ruz Vargas, Claudia; Zemp, Michael (2024): Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P). V. 1.12. GFZ Data Services.


The Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P) provides groundwater storage anomalies (GWSA) from a cross-cutting combination of GRACE/GRACE-FO-based terrestrial water storage (TWS) and storage compartments of the water cycle (WSCs) that are part of the Copernicus portfolio. The data set comprises gridded anomalies of groundwater, TWS, and the WSCs glacier, snow, soil moisture and surface water bodies plus layers containing uncertainty information for the individual data products. All WSCs are spatially filtered with a Gaussian filter to be compatible with TWS. Spatial coverage is global, except Greenland and Antarctica, with 0.5-degree resolution. Temporal coverage is from April 2002 to September 2023 with monthly temporal resolution. Gridded data sets are available as NetCDF files containing variables for the parameter value as anomaly in mm equivalent water height and the parameter’s uncertainty as mm equivalent water height.

The latest version of the data is visualized at the GravIS portal: From GravIS, the data is also available as area averages for several large river basins and aquifers, as well as for climatically similar regions.

G3P was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme in response to the call LC-SPACE-04-EO-2019-2020 “Copernicus evolution – Research activities in support of cross-cutting applications between Copernicus services” under grant agreement No. 870353.


Version History:

10 March 2023: Release of Version v1.11. That version is the initial release of the data (Güntner et al., 2023;

(DATE TO BE ADDED) Release of Version v1.12. Temporal coverage has been extended until September 2023.



  • Güntner, Andreas (Project Lead) ; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
  • Haas, Julian (Project Manager) ; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
  • Dahle, Christoph (Project Member) ; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
  • Sharifi, Ehsan (Project Member) ; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;


Behzadpour, Saniya; Contreras Lopez, Sergio; Darbeheshti, Neda; Hunink, Johannes; Imran, Tania; Kidd, Richard; Kvas, Andreas; Pasik, Adam; Paul, Frank; Pedinotti, Vanessa; Siepman, Stefan; Urgilez Vinueza, Alexandra; Vayre, Maxime


Terrestrial Water Storage, Water Balance, Satellite Gravimetry, Copernicus, Groundwater, Groundwater Storage Variations, Mass change, Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment, GRACE, GRACE Follow-on, GRACE-FO, environment > natural environment > terrestrial environment, The Present

GCMD Science Keywords

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  • datacite:  /  download xml
    • resource (xsi:schemaLocation=
      • identifier (identifierType=DOI): 10.5880/g3p.2024.001
      • creators
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Güntner, Andreas
          • givenName: Andreas
          • familyName: Güntner
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-6233-8478
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
          • affiliation: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Sharifi, Ehsan
          • givenName: Ehsan
          • familyName: Sharifi
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-7181-8406
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Haas, Julian
          • givenName: Julian
          • familyName: Haas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-0275-1903
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Boergens, Eva
          • givenName: Eva
          • familyName: Boergens
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-6178-9402
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Dahle, Christoph
          • givenName: Christoph
          • familyName: Dahle
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4733-9242
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Dobslaw, Henryk
          • givenName: Henryk
          • familyName: Dobslaw
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-1776-3314
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Dorigo, Wouter
          • givenName: Wouter
          • familyName: Dorigo
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-8054-7572
          • affiliation: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Dussailant, Inés
          • givenName: Inés
          • familyName: Dussailant
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-0617-7731
          • affiliation: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Flechtner, Frank
          • givenName: Frank
          • familyName: Flechtner
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-3093-5558
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Jäggi, Adrian
          • givenName: Adrian
          • familyName: Jäggi
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-5624-3410
          • affiliation: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Kosmale, Miriam
          • givenName: Miriam
          • familyName: Kosmale
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-6542-7871
          • affiliation: FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos, Helsinki, Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Luojus, Kari
          • givenName: Kari
          • familyName: Luojus
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4066-6005
          • affiliation: FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos, Helsinki, Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Mayer-Gürr, Torsten
          • givenName: Torsten
          • familyName: Mayer-Gürr
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-2609-428X
          • affiliation: TU Graz, Graz, Austria
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Meyer, Ulrich
          • givenName: Ulrich
          • familyName: Meyer
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-3379-9213
          • affiliation: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Preimesberger, Wolfgang
          • givenName: Wolfgang
          • familyName: Preimesberger
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-6655-0588
          • affiliation: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Ruz Vargas, Claudia
          • givenName: Claudia
          • familyName: Ruz Vargas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4698-3685
          • affiliation: IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre), Delft, The Netherlands
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Zemp, Michael
          • givenName: Michael
          • familyName: Zemp
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-2391-7877
          • affiliation: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
      • titles
        • title: Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)
      • publisher: GFZ Data Services
      • publicationYear: 2024
      • subjects
        • subject: Terrestrial Water Storage
        • subject: Water Balance
        • subject: Satellite Gravimetry
        • subject: Copernicus
        • subject: Groundwater
        • subject: Groundwater Storage Variations
        • subject: Mass change
        • subject: Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
        • subject: GRACE
        • subject: GRACE Follow-on
        • subject: GRACE-FO
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Platforms): Earth Observation Satellites > NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder > GRACE
        • subject (subjectScheme=NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords): EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > GROUND WATER > WATER TABLE
        • subject (subjectScheme=GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0): environment > natural environment > terrestrial environment
        • subject (subjectScheme=International Chronostratigraphic Chart (2014)): The Present
      • contributors
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectLeader)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Güntner, Andreas
          • givenName: Andreas
          • familyName: Güntner
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-6233-8478
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
          • affiliation: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Sharifi, Ehsan
          • givenName: Ehsan
          • familyName: Sharifi
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-7181-8406
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Haas, Julian
          • givenName: Julian
          • familyName: Haas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-0275-1903
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectManager)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Haas, Julian
          • givenName: Julian
          • familyName: Haas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-0275-1903
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Boergens, Eva
          • givenName: Eva
          • familyName: Boergens
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-6178-9402
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Dahle, Christoph
          • givenName: Christoph
          • familyName: Dahle
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4733-9242
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Dobslaw, Henryk
          • givenName: Henryk
          • familyName: Dobslaw
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-1776-3314
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Dorigo, Wouter
          • givenName: Wouter
          • familyName: Dorigo
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-8054-7572
          • affiliation: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Dussailant, Inés
          • givenName: Inés
          • familyName: Dussailant
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-0617-7731
          • affiliation: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Flechtner, Frank
          • givenName: Frank
          • familyName: Flechtner
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-3093-5558
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Jäggi, Adrian
          • givenName: Adrian
          • familyName: Jäggi
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-5624-3410
          • affiliation: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Kosmale, Miriam
          • givenName: Miriam
          • familyName: Kosmale
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-6542-7871
          • affiliation: FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos, Helsinki, Finland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Luojus, Kari
          • givenName: Kari
          • familyName: Luojus
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4066-6005
          • affiliation: FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos, Helsinki, Finland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Mayer-Gürr, Torsten
          • givenName: Torsten
          • familyName: Mayer-Gürr
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-2609-428X
          • affiliation: TU Graz, Graz, Austria
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Meyer, Ulrich
          • givenName: Ulrich
          • familyName: Meyer
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-3379-9213
          • affiliation: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Preimesberger, Wolfgang
          • givenName: Wolfgang
          • familyName: Preimesberger
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-6655-0588
          • affiliation: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Ruz Vargas, Claudia
          • givenName: Claudia
          • familyName: Ruz Vargas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4698-3685
          • affiliation: IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre), Delft, The Netherlands
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Zemp, Michael
          • givenName: Michael
          • familyName: Zemp
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-2391-7877
          • affiliation: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Behzadpour, Saniya
          • givenName: Saniya
          • familyName: Behzadpour
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-1187-3862
          • affiliation: Graz University of Technology
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Contreras Lopez, Sergio
          • givenName: Sergio
          • familyName: Contreras Lopez
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-3991-8241
          • affiliation: FutureWater, Wageningen, The Netherlands
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Darbeheshti, Neda
          • givenName: Neda
          • familyName: Darbeheshti
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-9938-5657
          • affiliation: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Hunink, Johannes
          • givenName: Johannes
          • familyName: Hunink
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-0878-0588
          • affiliation: FutureWater, Wageningen, The Netherlands
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Imran, Tania
          • givenName: Tania
          • familyName: Imran
          • affiliation: FutureWater, Wageningen, The Netherlands
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Kidd, Richard
          • givenName: Richard
          • familyName: Kidd
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-4638-5052
          • affiliation: EODC Earth Observation Data Centre For Water Resources Monitoring Gmbh, Vienna, Austria
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Kvas, Andreas
          • givenName: Andreas
          • familyName: Kvas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-1199-7742
          • affiliation: TU Graz, Graz, Austria
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Pasik, Adam
          • givenName: Adam
          • familyName: Pasik
          • affiliation: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Paul, Frank
          • givenName: Frank
          • familyName: Paul
          • affiliation: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Pedinotti, Vanessa
          • givenName: Vanessa
          • familyName: Pedinotti
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-6155-7342
          • affiliation: Magellium, Toulouse, France
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Siepman, Stefan
          • givenName: Stefan
          • familyName: Siepman
          • affiliation: IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre), Delft, The Netherlands
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Urgilez Vinueza, Alexandra
          • givenName: Alexandra
          • familyName: Urgilez Vinueza
          • affiliation: IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre), Delft, The Netherlands
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectMember)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Vayre, Maxime
          • givenName: Maxime
          • familyName: Vayre
          • affiliation: CLS, Ramonville Saint-Agne, France
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Güntner, Andreas
          • givenName: Andreas
          • familyName: Güntner
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Dahle, Christoph
          • givenName: Christoph
          • familyName: Dahle
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Sharifi, Ehsan
          • givenName: Ehsan
          • familyName: Sharifi
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Haas, Julian
          • givenName: Julian
          • familyName: Haas
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Güntner, Andreas
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Haas, Julian
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Dahle, Christoph
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Sharifi, Ehsan
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
      • dates
        • date (dateType=Collected): 2002-04/2023-09
      • resourceType (resourceTypeGeneral=Dataset): Dataset
      • relatedIdentifiers
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.5880/COST-G.GRAVIS_01_L3_TWS
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=URL relationType=IsDocumentedBy):
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=URL relationType=References):
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=URL relationType=References):
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsNewVersionOf): 10.5880/G3P.2023.001
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.1016/j.rse.2017.07.001
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.1038/s41597-021-00939-2
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.5194/gmd-16-4957-2023
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.1002/met.2192
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.1038/d41586-019-03700-3
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsDerivedFrom): 10.1017/jog.2023.66
      • sizes: 
      • formats: 
      • version: 1.12
      • rightsList
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      • geoLocations
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          • geoLocationPlace: Continental regions without Greenland and Antarctica
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            • eastBoundLongitude: 180
            • southBoundLatitude: -90
            • northBoundLatitude: 90
      • fundingReferences
        • fundingReference
          • funderName: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
          • funderIdentifier (funderIdentifierType=Crossref Funder ID):
          • awardNumber: 870353
          • awardTitle: LC-SPACE-04-EO-2019-2020 “Copernicus evolution – Research activities in support of cross-cutting applications between Copernicus services”
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                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
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                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
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                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
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                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
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                    • CharacterString: Dahle, Christoph
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Dobslaw, Henryk
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Dorigo, Wouter
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Dussailant, Inés
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Flechtner, Frank
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Jäggi, Adrian
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Kosmale, Miriam
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos, Helsinki, Finland
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Luojus, Kari
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: FMI - Ilmatieteen Laitos, Helsinki, Finland
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Mayer-Gürr, Torsten
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: TU Graz, Graz, Austria
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Meyer, Ulrich
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: Astronomical Institute University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Preimesberger, Wolfgang
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Ruz Vargas, Claudia
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre), Delft, The Netherlands
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Zemp, Michael
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: GFZ Data Services
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=publisher): publisher
          • abstract
            • CharacterString: The Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P) provides groundwater storage anomalies (GWSA) from a cross-cutting combination of GRACE/GRACE-FO-based terrestrial water storage (TWS) and storage compartments of the water cycle (WSCs) that are part of the Copernicus portfolio. The data set comprises gridded anomalies of groundwater, TWS, and the WSCs glacier, snow, soil moisture and surface water bodies plus layers containing uncertainty information for the individual data products. All WSCs are spatially filtered with a Gaussian filter to be compatible with TWS. Spatial coverage is global, except Greenland and Antarctica, with 0.5-degree resolution. Temporal coverage is from April 2002 to September 2023 with monthly temporal resolution. Gridded data sets are available as NetCDF files containing variables for the parameter value as anomaly in mm equivalent water height and the parameter’s uncertainty as mm equivalent water height. The latest version of the data is visualized at the GravIS portal: From GravIS, the data is also available as area averages for several large river basins and aquifers, as well as for climatically similar regions. G3P was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme in response to the call LC-SPACE-04-EO-2019-2020 “Copernicus evolution – Research activities in support of cross-cutting applications between Copernicus services” under grant agreement No. 870353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History: 10 March 2023: Release of Version v1.11. That version is the initial release of the data (Güntner et al., 2023; (DATE TO BE ADDED) Release of Version v1.12. Temporal coverage has been extended until September 2023.
          • pointOfContact
            • CI_ResponsibleParty
              • individualName
                • CharacterString: Güntner, Andreas
              • organisationName
                • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
              • positionName
                • CharacterString: Project Lead
              • contactInfo
                • CI_Contact
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                    • CI_Address
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                        • CharacterString: guentner(_at_)
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              • individualName
                • CharacterString: Haas, Julian
              • organisationName
                • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
              • positionName
                • CharacterString: Project Manager
              • contactInfo
                • CI_Contact
                  • address
                    • CI_Address
                      • electronicMailAddress
                        • CharacterString: julian.haas(_at_)
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                        • URL:
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              • individualName
                • CharacterString: Dahle, Christoph
              • organisationName
                • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
              • positionName
                • CharacterString: Project Member
              • contactInfo
                • CI_Contact
                  • address
                    • CI_Address
                      • electronicMailAddress
                        • CharacterString: dahle(_at_)
                  • onlineResource
                    • CI_OnlineResource
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                        • URL:
                      • function
                        • CI_OnLineFunctionCode (codeList= codeListValue= informtion
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                • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=pointOfContact): pointOfContact
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                • CharacterString: Sharifi, Ehsan
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                • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
              • positionName
                • CharacterString: Project Member
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                • CI_Contact
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                    • CI_Address
                      • electronicMailAddress
                        • CharacterString: ehsan.sharifi(_at_)
                  • onlineResource
                    • CI_OnlineResource
                      • linkage
                        • URL:
                      • function
                        • CI_OnLineFunctionCode (codeList= codeListValue= informtion
              • role
                • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=pointOfContact): pointOfContact
          • descriptiveKeywords
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              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Water Balance
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Satellite Gravimetry
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Copernicus
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Groundwater
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Groundwater Storage Variations
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Mass change
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: GRACE
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: GRACE Follow-on
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: GRACE-FO
          • descriptiveKeywords
            • MD_Keywords
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Earth Observation Satellites > NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder > GRACE
              • thesaurusName
                • CI_Citation
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                    • CharacterString: GCMD Platforms
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                  • date
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                        • CI_DateTypeCode (codeList= codeListValue=publication): publication
          • descriptiveKeywords
            • MD_Keywords
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                • CharacterString: environment > natural environment > terrestrial environment
              • thesaurusName
                • CI_Citation
                  • title
                    • CharacterString: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
                  • date
                    • CI_Date
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                    • CharacterString: International Chronostratigraphic Chart (2014)
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                    • CharacterString: 10.5880/G3P.2023.001
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                  • codeSpace
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                • DS_AssociationTypeCode (codeList= codeListValue=IsDerivedFrom): IsDerivedFrom
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                  • code
                    • CharacterString: 10.5194/gmd-16-4957-2023
                  • codeSpace
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                • DS_AssociationTypeCode (codeList= codeListValue=IsDerivedFrom): IsDerivedFrom
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                    • CharacterString: 10.1002/met.2192
                  • codeSpace
                    • CharacterString: DOI
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                • DS_AssociationTypeCode (codeList= codeListValue=IsDerivedFrom): IsDerivedFrom
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                    • CharacterString: 10.1038/d41586-019-03700-3
                  • codeSpace
                    • CharacterString: DOI
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                • DS_AssociationTypeCode (codeList= codeListValue=IsDerivedFrom): IsDerivedFrom
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                    • CharacterString: 10.1017/jog.2023.66
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                  • eastBoundLongitude
                    • Decimal: 180
                  • southBoundLatitude
                    • Decimal: -90
                  • northBoundLatitude
                    • Decimal: 90
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                  • extent
                    • TimePeriod (xsi:type=gml:TimePeriodType gml:id=T667c20968e053)
                      • beginPosition: 2002-04
                      • endPosition: 2023-09
      • distributionInfo
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      • dataQualityInfo
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              • level
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    License: CC BY 4.0

    Dataset Description

    Documented by