
Update of the Heat Flow Database in India

Cite as:

Sidigam, Eswara Rao; Balkan-Pazvantoglu, Elif; Neumann, Florian; Norden, Ben; Fuchs, Sven (2023): Update of the Heat Flow Database in India. GFZ Data Services.


I   N       R   E   V   I   E   W : Sidigam, Eswara Rao; Balkan-Pazvantoglu, Elif; Neumann, Florian; Norden, Ben; Fuchs, Sven (2023): Update of the Heat Flow Database in India. GFZ Data Services.


For the integration of this dataset, several research articles were collected from the catalog of The Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project. Specially, this data publication encloses all heat-flow data of onshore India. The resulting updated database contains 617 determinations of heat-flow from 36 publications.

The data are presented according to the standards defined by the World Heat Flow Database Project and the International Heat Flow Commission (Fuchs et al., 2023)



  • Neumann, Florian; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;


  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ: IHFC International Heat Flow Commission Fellowship Program


India, Heat Flow

More Metadata

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      • identifier (identifierType=DOI): 10.5880/fidgeo.2023.038
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          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Sidigam, Eswara Rao
          • givenName: Eswara Rao
          • familyName: Sidigam
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-9268-6123
          • affiliation: CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, 500007, India
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Balkan-Pazvantoglu, Elif
          • givenName: Elif
          • familyName: Balkan-Pazvantoglu
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-8117-4576
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Neumann, Florian
          • givenName: Florian
          • familyName: Neumann
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-9666-5087
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Norden, Ben
          • givenName: Ben
          • familyName: Norden
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-2228-9979
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Fuchs, Sven
          • givenName: Sven
          • familyName: Fuchs
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-2896-6662
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
      • titles
        • title: Update of the Heat Flow Database in India
      • publisher: GFZ Data Services
      • publicationYear: 2023
      • subjects
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        • subject: Heat Flow
      • contributors
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          • contributorName: Neumann, Florian
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
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        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0377-0273(81)90080-9
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1029/JZ072i016p04215
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0040-1951(70)90104-6
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0040-1951(87)90233-2
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0040-1951(91)90275-W
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0031-9201(93)90081-j
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        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0040-1951(84)90210-5
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.31214/ijthfa.v1i1.15
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1007/s12594-012-0116-x
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1002/2017JB014041
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0040-1951(70)90105-8
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0012-821X(70)90082-8
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0012-821X(76)90008-X
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0375-6505(74)90014-5
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0012-821X(80)90204-6
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0040-1951(83)90060-4
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1007/s12594-021-1851-7
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1029/2001jb000688
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1007/s00531-007-0239-2
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/s0040-1951(99)00051-7
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1029/2000jb900257
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1016/0264-3707(90)90025-p
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1029/JZ071i020p04943
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1029/JZ072i016p04215
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1007/bf02596709
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1007/bf02596709
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=References): 10.1029/JZ070i006p01353
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  • download


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    License: CC BY 4.0

    Dataset Description

    Documented by