
Stable oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose from the site network of the EU-Project ‘ISONET’

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ISONET Project Members; Schleser, Gerhard Hans; Andreu-Hayles, Laia; Bednarz, Zdzislaw; Berninger, Frank; Boettger, Tatjana; Dorado-Liñán, Isabel; Esper, Jan; Grabner, Michael; Gutiérrez, Emilia; Helle, Gerhard; Hilasvuori, Emmi; Jugner, Högne; Kalela-Brundin, Maarit; Krąpiec, Marek; Leuenberger, Markus; Loader, Neil J.; Masson-Delmotte, Valérie; Pawełczyk, Sławomira; Pazdur, Anna; Pukienė, Rūtilė; Rinne-Garmston, Katja T.; Saracino, Antonio; Saurer, Matthias; Sonninen, Eloni; Stiévenard, Michel; Switsur, Vincent R.; Szychowska-Krąpiec, Elżbieta; Szczepanek, M.; Todaro, Luigi; Treydte, Kerstin; Vitas, Adomas; Waterhouse, John S.; Weigl-Kuska, Martin; Wimmer, Rupert (2023): Stable oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose from the site network of the EU-Project ‘ISONET’. GFZ Data Services.


I   N       R   E   V   I   E   W : ISONET Project Members; Schleser, Gerhard Hans; Andreu-Hayles, Laia; Bednarz, Zdzislaw; Berninger, Frank; Boettger, Tatjana; Dorado-Liñán, Isabel; Esper, Jan; Grabner, Michael; Gutiérrez, Emilia; Helle, Gerhard; Hilasvuori, Emmi; Jugner, Högne; Kalela-Brundin, Maarit; Krąpiec, Marek; Leuenberger, Markus; Loader, Neil J.; Masson-Delmotte, Valérie; Pawełczyk, Sławomira; Pazdur, Anna; Pukienė, Rūtilė; Rinne-Garmston, Katja T.; Saracino, Antonio; Saurer, Matthias; Sonninen, Eloni; Stiévenard, Michel; Switsur, Vincent R.; Szychowska-Krąpiec, Elżbieta; Szczepanek, M.; Todaro, Luigi; Treydte, Kerstin; Vitas, Adomas; Waterhouse, John S.; Weigl-Kuska, Martin; Wimmer, Rupert (2023): Stable oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose from the site network of the EU-Project ‘ISONET’. GFZ Data Services.


24 European annually resolved stable isotope chronologies have been constructed from tree ring cellulose for the last 400 years (1600CE – 2003CE) for carbon and oxygen and for the last 100 years for hydrogen. Data was produced within the ISONET project (400 Years of Annual Reconstructions of European Climate Variability Using a Highly Resolved Isotopic Network,) to initiate an extensive spatiotemporal tree-ring stable isotope network across Europe funded as part of the fifth EC Framework Programme “Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development”. This data set comprises the ISONET δ18O records.

Additional Information

The ISONET project has been striving to improve greatly our understanding of European climate systems providing independent quantitative data for model verification and policy making. A network of 24 sites provides dendrochronological coverage from Iberia to Fennoscandia, Caledonia and the Tyrol. The stable isotope (C, H, O) ratios of these annually resolved time series shall be analysed within this project, to reconstruct past climate regimes (temperature, relative humidity and precipitation characteristics) for the last 400 years. Climate variability shall be addressed on three timescales; decade-century (source water/air mass dominance); inter-annual (quantifying baseline variability, extreme events and recent trends); and intra-annual (high resolution exploration of seasonality signals within tree-rings). ISONET goes far beyond existing tree-ring analyses in its spatial based investigation and interpretation (see also


Wood increment cores of 15 or more Pinus sylvestris, Quercus robur/petraea or Cedrus atlantica tree individuals were taken. Dendro-dated tree-ring material of 4-5 individuals per site was dissected and pooled year by year. After cellulose extraction and homogenization, 18O/16O-ratios of annually resolved samples were determined by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS). Time series of 18O/16O are given as d-values versus SMOW. Details can be found in the downloadable “data description” file.


  • ISONET Project Members
  • Schleser, Gerhard Hans;FZJ Research Center Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Agrosphere (IBG-3), Jülich, Germany
  • Andreu-Hayles, Laia;Tree Ring Lab, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades NY, United States
  • Bednarz, Zdzislaw;Department of Forest Biodiversity, Agricultural University, Krakow, Poland
  • Berninger, Frank;Faculty of Science and Forestry, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Joensuu, Finland
  • Boettger, Tatjana;Department of Isotope Hydrology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Halle, Germany
  • Dorado-Liñán, Isabel;Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Forest Genet & Ecophysiol Res Grp, Ciudad Univ S-N, Madrid, Spain
  • Esper, Jan;Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Department of Geography, Mainz, Germany
  • Grabner, Michael;Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Vienna, Austria
  • Gutiérrez, Emilia;Department of Biological Evolution, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  • Helle, Gerhard;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
  • Hilasvuori, Emmi;Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
  • Jugner, Högne;Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki, Finland
  • Kalela-Brundin, Maarit;The Museum of Forestry, Lycksele, Sweden
  • Krąpiec, Marek;Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
  • Leuenberger, Markus;Physics Institute, Climate and Environmental (CEP), Bern, Switzerland
  • Loader, Neil J.;Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
  • Masson-Delmotte, Valérie;Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences, CEA/CNRS, UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • Pawełczyk, Sławomira;Department of Radioisotopes, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  • Pazdur, Anna;Department of Radioisotopes, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  • Pukienė, Rūtilė;The State Scientific Research Institute Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Rinne-Garmston, Katja T.;Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
  • Saracino, Antonio;Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, IT-Portici (Naples), Italy
  • Saurer, Matthias;Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
  • Sonninen, Eloni;Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki,Finland
  • Stiévenard, Michel;Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences, CEA/CNRS, UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • Switsur, Vincent R.;Department of Biomedical and Forensic Science, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
  • Szychowska-Krąpiec, Elżbieta;Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
  • Szczepanek, M.;Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  • Todaro, Luigi;School of Agricultural, Forest, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
  • Treydte, Kerstin;Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
  • Vitas, Adomas;Environmental Research Centre, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Waterhouse, John S.;Department of Biomedical and Forensic Science, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Weigl-Kuska, Martin;Holzforschung Austria, Wien, Austria
  • Wimmer, Rupert;Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Vienna, Austria


  • Helle, Gerhard; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;


  • European Commission: ISONET  (EVK2-CT-2002-00147)  


GCMD Science Keywords

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  • datacite: download xml
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      • identifier (identifierType=DOI): 10.5880/GFZ.4.3.2023.001
      • creators
        • creator
          • creatorName: ISONET Project Members
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Schleser, Gerhard Hans
          • givenName: Gerhard Hans
          • familyName: Schleser
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-1794-5361
          • affiliation: FZJ Research Center Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Agrosphere (IBG-3), Jülich, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Andreu-Hayles, Laia
          • givenName: Laia
          • familyName: Andreu-Hayles
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-4185-681X
          • affiliation: Tree Ring Lab, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades NY, United States
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Bednarz, Zdzislaw
          • givenName: Zdzislaw
          • familyName: Bednarz
          • affiliation: Department of Forest Biodiversity, Agricultural University, Krakow, Poland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Berninger, Frank
          • givenName: Frank
          • familyName: Berninger
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-7718-1661
          • affiliation: Faculty of Science and Forestry, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Joensuu, Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Boettger, Tatjana
          • givenName: Tatjana
          • familyName: Boettger
          • affiliation: Department of Isotope Hydrology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Halle, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Dorado-Liñán, Isabel
          • givenName: Isabel
          • familyName: Dorado-Liñán
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-8913-0420
          • affiliation: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Forest Genet & Ecophysiol Res Grp, Ciudad Univ S-N, Madrid, Spain
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Esper, Jan
          • givenName: Jan
          • familyName: Esper
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-3919-014X
          • affiliation: Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Department of Geography, Mainz, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Grabner, Michael
          • givenName: Michael
          • familyName: Grabner
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-5220-721X
          • affiliation: Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Vienna, Austria
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Gutiérrez, Emilia
          • givenName: Emilia
          • familyName: Gutiérrez
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-6085-5700
          • affiliation: Department of Biological Evolution, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Helle, Gerhard
          • givenName: Gerhard
          • familyName: Helle
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-9988-6638
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Hilasvuori, Emmi
          • givenName: Emmi
          • familyName: Hilasvuori
          • affiliation: Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Jugner, Högne
          • givenName: Högne
          • familyName: Jugner
          • affiliation: Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki, Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Kalela-Brundin, Maarit
          • givenName: Maarit
          • familyName: Kalela-Brundin
          • affiliation: The Museum of Forestry, Lycksele, Sweden
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Krąpiec, Marek
          • givenName: Marek
          • familyName: Krąpiec
          • affiliation: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Leuenberger, Markus
          • givenName: Markus
          • familyName: Leuenberger
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-4299-6793
          • affiliation: Physics Institute, Climate and Environmental (CEP), Bern, Switzerland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Loader, Neil J.
          • givenName: Neil J.
          • familyName: Loader
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-6841-1813
          • affiliation: Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Masson-Delmotte, Valérie
          • givenName: Valérie
          • familyName: Masson-Delmotte
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-8296-381X
          • affiliation: Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences, CEA/CNRS, UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Pawełczyk, Sławomira
          • givenName: Sławomira
          • familyName: Pawełczyk
          • affiliation: Department of Radioisotopes, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Pazdur, Anna
          • givenName: Anna
          • familyName: Pazdur
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-6078-798X
          • affiliation: Department of Radioisotopes, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Pukienė, Rūtilė
          • givenName: Rūtilė
          • familyName: Pukienė
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-9785-0321
          • affiliation: The State Scientific Research Institute Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Rinne-Garmston, Katja T.
          • givenName: Katja T.
          • familyName: Rinne-Garmston
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-9793-2549
          • affiliation: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Saracino, Antonio
          • givenName: Antonio
          • familyName: Saracino
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-1499-2317
          • affiliation: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, IT-Portici (Naples), Italy
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Saurer, Matthias
          • givenName: Matthias
          • familyName: Saurer
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-3954-3534
          • affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Sonninen, Eloni
          • givenName: Eloni
          • familyName: Sonninen
          • affiliation: Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki,Finland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Stiévenard, Michel
          • givenName: Michel
          • familyName: Stiévenard
          • affiliation: Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences, CEA/CNRS, UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Switsur, Vincent R.
          • givenName: Vincent R.
          • familyName: Switsur
          • affiliation: Department of Biomedical and Forensic Science, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Szychowska-Krąpiec, Elżbieta
          • givenName: Elżbieta
          • familyName: Szychowska-Krąpiec
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-0809-8084
          • affiliation: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Szczepanek, M.
          • givenName: M.
          • familyName: Szczepanek
          • affiliation: Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Todaro, Luigi
          • givenName: Luigi
          • familyName: Todaro
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-7230-2188
          • affiliation: School of Agricultural, Forest, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Treydte, Kerstin
          • givenName: Kerstin
          • familyName: Treydte
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-8399-6517
          • affiliation: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Vitas, Adomas
          • givenName: Adomas
          • familyName: Vitas
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-2868-7337
          • affiliation: Environmental Research Centre, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Waterhouse, John S.
          • givenName: John S.
          • familyName: Waterhouse
          • affiliation: Department of Biomedical and Forensic Science, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Weigl-Kuska, Martin
          • givenName: Martin
          • familyName: Weigl-Kuska
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-4285-4090
          • affiliation: Holzforschung Austria, Wien, Austria
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Wimmer, Rupert
          • givenName: Rupert
          • familyName: Wimmer
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-7023-6209
          • affiliation: Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Vienna, Austria
      • titles
        • title: Stable oxygen isotope ratios of tree-ring cellulose from the site network of the EU-Project ‘ISONET’
      • publisher: GFZ Data Services
      • publicationYear: 2023
      • subjects: 
      • contributors
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectLeader)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Schleser, Gerhard Hans
          • givenName: Gerhard Hans
          • familyName: Schleser
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0003-1794-5361
          • affiliation: FZJ Research Center Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Agrosphere (IBG-3), Jülich, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Helle, Gerhard
          • affiliation: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
      • resourceType (resourceTypeGeneral=Dataset): Dataset
      • relatedIdentifiers
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        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsCitedBy): 10.1038/s43247-022-00648-7
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                    • CharacterString: doi:10.5880/GFZ.4.3.2023.001
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                    • CharacterString: ISONET Project Members
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                    • CharacterString: Schleser, Gerhard Hans
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                    • CharacterString: FZJ Research Center Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Agrosphere (IBG-3), Jülich, Germany
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Andreu-Hayles, Laia
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                    • CharacterString: Tree Ring Lab, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades NY, United States
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Bednarz, Zdzislaw
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                    • CharacterString: Department of Forest Biodiversity, Agricultural University, Krakow, Poland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Berninger, Frank
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                    • CharacterString: Faculty of Science and Forestry, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Joensuu, Finland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Boettger, Tatjana
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                    • CharacterString: Department of Isotope Hydrology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Halle, Germany
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Dorado-Liñán, Isabel
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                    • CharacterString: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Forest Genet & Ecophysiol Res Grp, Ciudad Univ S-N, Madrid, Spain
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
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                    • CharacterString: Esper, Jan
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                    • CharacterString: Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Department of Geography, Mainz, Germany
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
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                    • CharacterString: Grabner, Michael
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                    • CharacterString: Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Materials, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Vienna, Austria
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
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                    • CharacterString: Gutiérrez, Emilia
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                    • CharacterString: Department of Biological Evolution, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
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                    • CharacterString: Helle, Gerhard
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                    • CharacterString: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Hilasvuori, Emmi
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                    • CharacterString: Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Jugner, Högne
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                    • CharacterString: Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki, Finland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Kalela-Brundin, Maarit
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                    • CharacterString: The Museum of Forestry, Lycksele, Sweden
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Krąpiec, Marek
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                    • CharacterString: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Leuenberger, Markus
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                    • CharacterString: Physics Institute, Climate and Environmental (CEP), Bern, Switzerland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Loader, Neil J.
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                    • CharacterString: Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Masson-Delmotte, Valérie
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                    • CharacterString: Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences, CEA/CNRS, UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty
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                    • CharacterString: Pawełczyk, Sławomira
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                    • CharacterString: Department of Radioisotopes, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Pazdur, Anna
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                    • CharacterString: Department of Radioisotopes, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Pukienė, Rūtilė
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                    • CharacterString: The State Scientific Research Institute Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Rinne-Garmston, Katja T.
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                    • CharacterString: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Saracino, Antonio
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                    • CharacterString: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, IT-Portici (Naples), Italy
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Saurer, Matthias
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                    • CharacterString: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
              • citedResponsibleParty
                • CI_ResponsibleParty
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                    • CharacterString: Sonninen, Eloni
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                    • CharacterString: Laboratory of Chronology, University of Helsinki, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki,Finland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Stiévenard, Michel
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                    • CharacterString: Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences, CEA/CNRS, UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Switsur, Vincent R.
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                    • CharacterString: Department of Biomedical and Forensic Science, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Szychowska-Krąpiec, Elżbieta
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                    • CharacterString: Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Szczepanek, M.
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                    • CharacterString: Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Todaro, Luigi
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                    • CharacterString: School of Agricultural, Forest, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Treydte, Kerstin
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                    • CharacterString: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
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                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: Environmental Research Centre, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
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            • CharacterString: 24 European annually resolved stable isotope chronologies have been constructed from tree ring cellulose for the last 400 years (1600CE – 2003CE) for carbon and oxygen and for the last 100 years for hydrogen. Data was produced within the ISONET project (400 Years of Annual Reconstructions of European Climate Variability Using a Highly Resolved Isotopic Network,) to initiate an extensive spatiotemporal tree-ring stable isotope network across Europe funded as part of the fifth EC Framework Programme “Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development”. This data set comprises the ISONET δ18O records.
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      • distributionInfo
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                    • CharacterString: WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
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                    • CharacterString: Data Access - DOI
                  • description
                    • CharacterString: Data Access - DOI
                  • function
                    • CI_OnLineFunctionCode (codeList= codeListValue= information
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        • DQ_DataQuality
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                • MD_ScopeCode (codeListValue=dataset codeList= 
          • lineage
            • LI_Lineage
              • statement
                • CharacterString: Wood increment cores of 15 or more Pinus sylvestris, Quercus robur/petraea or Cedrus atlantica tree individuals were taken. Dendro-dated tree-ring material of 4-5 individuals per site was dissected and pooled year by year. After cellulose extraction and homogenization, 18O/16O-ratios of annually resolved samples were determined by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS). Time series of 18O/16O are given as d-values versus SMOW. Details can be found in the downloadable “data description” file.
  • download


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    License: CC BY 4.0