Time series of meteorological stations on an elevational gradient in National Park La Campana, Chile
Cite as:
Übernickel, Kirstin; Ehlers, Todd A.; Paulino, Leandro; Fuentes Espoz, Juan-Pablo (2021): Time series of meteorological stations on an elevational gradient in National Park La Campana, Chile. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/fidgeo.2021.010
I N R E V I E W : Übernickel, Kirstin; Ehlers, Todd A.; Paulino, Leandro; Fuentes Espoz, Juan-Pablo (2021): Time series of meteorological stations on an elevational gradient in National Park La Campana, Chile. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/fidgeo.2021.010
The DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” (www.earthshape.net) installed three meteorological stations at an elevational gradient in the National Park La Campana, Chile, in the sector Ocoa, within one catchment, that is one of the four EarthShape core research sites. They are located at a valley position, at the slope and the crest of the catchment.
For reference, the valley station is neighbouring a weather station (Campbell Scientific) that the EarthShape project has installed earlier, in 2016 (Übernickel et al., 2020). The other two weather stations are installed on higher elevations. The weather stations are intended to provide baseline meteorological data along the elevational gradient within the La Campana catchment.
Each station is configured to include sensors that record air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure as well as total solar radiation at 2 m height; precipitation at 1 m height. The data recording started in March 2019. This publication provides raw data as downloaded from the three stations, appended to one single *.xlsx file per station. The data is measured in 30 minutes intervals. The full description of the data and methods is provided in the data description file.
Additional Information
The DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota" (2016-2022; https://www.earthshape.net/) explored between scientific disciplines and includes geoscientists and biologists to study from different viewpoints the complex question how microorganisms, animals, and plants influence the shape and development of the Earth’s surface over time scales from the present-day to the young geologic past. All study sites are located in the north-to-south trending Coastal Cordillera mountains of Chile, South America. These sites span from the Atacama Desert in the north to the Araucaria forests approximately 1300 km to the south. The site selection contains a large ecological and climate gradient ranging from very dry to humid climate conditions.
Ehlers, Todd A.
(EarthShape project Co-Coordinator); University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; ➦
Bernales-Noguera, Ramiro; Kappler, Willi; Seguel, Oscar; CONAF staff of National Park La Campana sector Ocoa
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft:
Earth Shape (SPP 1803)
South America, Chile, Coastal Cordillera, National Park La Campana, EarthShape, radiation, temperature, precipitation, pressure, humidity, weather station, METER group
CharacterString: The DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” (www.earthshape.net) installed three meteorological stations at an elevational gradient in the National Park La Campana, Chile, in the sector Ocoa, within one catchment, that is one of the four EarthShape core research sites. They are located at a valley position, at the slope and the crest of the catchment.
For reference, the valley station is neighbouring a weather station (Campbell Scientific) that the EarthShape project has installed earlier, in 2016 (Übernickel et al., 2020). The other two weather stations are installed on higher elevations. The weather stations are intended to provide baseline meteorological data along the elevational gradient within the La Campana catchment.
Each station is configured to include sensors that record air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure as well as total solar radiation at 2 m height; precipitation at 1 m height. The data recording started in March 2019. This publication provides raw data as downloaded from the three stations, appended to one single *.xlsx file per station. The data is measured in 30 minutes intervals. The full description of the data and methods is provided in the data description file.
CharacterString: Ehlers, Todd A.
CharacterString: University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
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