Sample Family

=Hole, =Core, =Core-Section, =Core-Sample
The Sample Family shows a sub-sampling graph. Select entries to navigate samples. Core-Samples are issued to scientists on request. The naming convention for a Core-Sample is: Expedition_Site_Hole_Core_Section,from-to(cm). Hole, Core, and Core-Section are following the same schema respectively.

Location Map

    General Identifiers

    Expedition:ICDP 5059
    Type:Core Section
    Parent IGSN:ICDP5059EC0Q101
    Release Date:2019-4-1

    Sampling Location

    Coordinate System:WGS84
    Final Depth:-179.005
    Location Type:continental land
    Location Name:NN
    Location Description:Vetsmanneyjar Archipelago, Iceland's SE rift zone
    Province:Surtsey Island
    County:South Coast


    Rock Classification:VOL
    Rock Type:Crystalline Basalt
    Rock Description (1): 236.44-236.645m
    • Interval: 236.44-236.645m
    • Major Lithology: Crystalline Basalt
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: SEE CRYSTALLINE BASALT; Color:Blackish-gray; Stratification:nn; Granulometric:nn; Secondary Minerals:nn; Sorting:nn; Support:nn; Grading:nn; Alteration:nn; Fractures:Fractures with euhedral secondary minerals; Clast Types:nn; Matrix:nn; Comments:HIGHLY FRACTURED
    • Crystalline Basalt: Porphyritic; Vesicularity:poorly vesicular; Ves-Textures:subspherical, elliptical, polylobate, convolute concentrated into bands (individual vesicles =1-2 mm); Jointing:highly jointed; Phenocryst:Olivine (=1 mm), rare feldspar; Phen-Abundance:15% olivine; Contacts:Lower contact is fractured with euhedral secondary minerals, glass rind locally preserved; Comments:Groundmass is microcrystalline, near the margin basalt is aphanitic/ aphyric whereas the interior is porphyritic. The direct contact with host is destroyed, the lower margin of the basalt is largely overprinted by secondary minerals with local preservatio
    Rock Description (2): 236.645-237.34m
    • Interval: 236.645-237.34m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: near contact lithified, away poorly consolidated; Color:Dark Green; Stratification:nn; Granulometric:Medium lapilli tuff with outsized coarse lapilli; Secondary Minerals:Y; within clast vesicles, matrix, and on fracture planes. Euhedral crystals within clast; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:Matrix supported; Grading:Massive; Alteration:Highly altered; Fractures:nn; Clast Types:lapilli (simple/ zoned), composites, lithics; Matrix:Coarse to medium ash and rare crystal fragments with intergranular altered fines and secondary minerals; Lithic:=1; Comments:HIGHLY FRACTURED
    From Corrected Depth:236.44
    To Corrected Depth:237.14
    Depth Reference:meter below ground level
    Geological Age:quaternary-holocene
    Geological Unit:N/A


    Lithological Descriptionyes
    Core Overviewyes
    Core Section Scanno
    Core Catcher Scanno


    Drilling Method:
    wireline diamond coring, PQ bit size
    DOSECC Exploration Services, UTAH, USA
    Surtsey Island, Iceland
    Funding Agency:International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)
    Total Length:-237.135m
    Platform Type:drill rig
    Platform Name:drill
    Platform Description:slimhole wireline coring system
    Chief Scientist:Marie D. Jackson
    Start Date:2017-08-27
    End Date:2017-09-06


    Current Repository:Icelandic Institute of Natural History in Gardabaer/Breiddalsvik, Iceland
    Current Repository Contact:Kristjan Jonasson:
    Original Repository:N/A
    Original Repository Contact:N/A