Sample Family

=Hole, =Core, =Core-Section, =Core-Sample
The Sample Family shows a sub-sampling graph. Select entries to navigate samples. Core-Samples are issued to scientists on request. The naming convention for a Core-Sample is: Expedition_Site_Hole_Core_Section,from-to(cm). Hole, Core, and Core-Section are following the same schema respectively.

Location Map

    General Identifiers

    Expedition:ICDP 5059
    Type:Core Section
    Parent IGSN:ICDP5059EC1N101
    Release Date:2019-4-1

    Sampling Location

    Coordinate System:WGS84
    Final Depth:-15.71
    Location Type:continental land
    Location Name:NN
    Location Description:Vetsmanneyjar Archipelago, Iceland's SE rift zone
    Province:Surtsey Island
    County:South Coast


    Rock Classification:VOL
    Rock Type:Tuff
    Rock Description (1): 72.845-73.125m
    • Interval: 72.845-73.125m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: Well lithified; Color:Green-Dark green; Stratification:moderate (defined by interbedded deposits of differing grain size and structure); Granulometric:Medium lapilli tuff with outsized coarse lapilli; Secondary Minerals:Y; intergranular matrix space, clast vesicles, irregular matrix voids; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:Matrix supported; Grading:Massive to local faint normally graded; Alteration:High; Clast Types:lapilli (simple/zoned), composites, occasional armored, lithics; Matrix:Coarse (very coarse) to medium ash with altered fine-very fine ash with intergranular secondary minerals; Lithic:1-3; Comments:Possible coating of fine ash on some lapilli but increasingly difficult to confidently recognize in hand sample.
    Rock Description (2): 73.125-73.515m
    • Interval: 73.125-73.515m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: Well lithified; Color:Green-Dark green; Stratification:weak (multiple 1-1.5 cm thick sequences of clast support MLT and CT with outsized lapilli; Granulometric:Medium lapilli tuff and coarse tuff with outsized lapilli; Secondary Minerals:Y; intergranular matrix space, clast vesicles, irregular matrix voids; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:matrix to framework supported; Grading:Normally graded; Alteration:High
    Rock Description (3): 73.235-73.715m
    • Interval: 73.235-73.715m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: Well lithified; Color:Green-Dark green; Stratification:moderate (defined by interbedded deposits of differing grain size and structure); Granulometric:Medium lapilli tuff with outsized coarse lapilli; Secondary Minerals:Y; intergranular matrix space, clast vesicles, irregular matrix voids; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:Matrix supported; Grading:Massive to local faint normally graded; Alteration:High; Clast Types:lapilli (simple/zoned), composites, occasional armored, lithics; Matrix:Coarse (very coarse) to medium ash with altered fine-very fine ash with intergranular secondary minerals; Lithic:1-3; Comments:Possible coating of fine ash on some lapilli but increasingly difficult to confidently recognize in hand sample.
    Rock Description (4): 73.325-73.875m
    • Interval: 73.325-73.875m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: Well lithified; Color:Green-Dark green; Stratification:Crude (anastomosing 3 mm thick M-F tuff); Granulometric:Medium to fine tuff; Secondary Minerals:Y; intergranular matrix space, clast vesicles, irregular matrix voids; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:Matrix supported; Grading:Massive; Alteration:High
    Rock Description (5): 73.395-74.015m
    • Interval: 73.395-74.015m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: Well lithified; Color:Green-Dark green; Stratification:weak (2cm MLT and 1 cm tuff couplets); Granulometric:Medium lapilli tuff and coarse to medium tuff; Secondary Minerals:Y; intergranular matrix space, clast vesicles, irregular matrix voids; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:Matrix supported; Grading:Normally graded; Alteration:High
    Rock Description (6): 73.465-74.19m
    • Interval: 73.465-74.19m
    • Major Lithology: Tuff
    • Comments: NN
    • Volcaniclastic Debris: Well lithified; Color:Green-Dark green; Stratification:moderate (defined by interbedded deposits of differing grain size and structure); Granulometric:Medium lapilli tuff with outsized coarse lapilli; Secondary Minerals:Y; intergranular matrix space, clast vesicles, irregular matrix voids; Sorting:Poorly sorted; Support:Matrix supported; Grading:Massive to local faint normally graded; Alteration:High; Clast Types:lapilli (simple/zoned), composites, occasional armored, lithics; Matrix:Coarse (very coarse) to medium ash with altered fine-very fine ash with intergranular secondary minerals; Lithic:1-3; Comments:Possible coating of fine ash on some lapilli but increasingly difficult to confidently recognize in hand sample.
    From Corrected Depth:72.85
    To Corrected Depth:73.57
    Depth Reference:meter below ground level
    Geological Age:quaternary-holocene
    Geological Unit:N/A


    Lithological Descriptionyes
    Core Overviewyes
    Core Section Scanno
    Core Catcher Scanno


    Drilling Method:
    wireline diamond coring, PQ bit size
    DOSECC Exploration Services, UTAH, USA
    Surtsey Island, Iceland
    Funding Agency:International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)
    Total Length:-73.57m
    Platform Type:drill rig
    Platform Name:drill
    Platform Description:slimhole wireline coring system
    Chief Scientist:Marie D. Jackson
    Start Date:2017-08-18
    End Date:2017-08-26


    Current Repository:Icelandic Institute of Natural History in Gardabaer/Breiddalsvik, Iceland
    Current Repository Contact:Kristjan Jonasson:
    Original Repository:N/A
    Original Repository Contact:N/A