Seismic data of the DESERT Controlled Source Array II (CSA-2; Arava Valley, Jordan, Oct./Nov. 2001) - Datasets
Cite as:
Maercklin, Nils; Haberland, Christian; Ryberg, Trond; Schulze, Albrecht; Weber, Michael (2013): Seismic data of the DESERT Controlled Source Array II (CSA-2; Arava Valley, Jordan, Oct./Nov. 2001) - Datasets. GFZ Data Services.
I N R E V I E W : Maercklin, Nils; Haberland, Christian; Ryberg, Trond; Schulze, Albrecht; Weber, Michael (2013): Seismic data of the DESERT Controlled Source Array II (CSA-2; Arava Valley, Jordan, Oct./Nov. 2001) - Datasets. GFZ Data Services.
SEG-Y data of small-scale high-resolution controlled-source seismic experiment to investigate the mesoscopic fault structure of the Wadi Arava fault, Dead Sea Transform.
The Dead Sea Transform (DST) is a major shear zone running for more than 1000km from the Red
Sea in the South to the Zagros mountain chain in the North. It accommodates the lateral
movement of the Sinai microplate and the Arabian shield; the total displacement along this shear
zone is >100km. As part of the DESERT 2000 research project, several geophysical studies on a
wide range of scales aimed to reveal the structure and evolution of the DST (Weber et al., 2009,
2010, and references therein). In October/November 2010 we conducted a high-resolution seismic
experiment in the central part of the Arava/Araba segment of the shear zone. The analysis of the
data (reflection seismics, tomography) revealed the shallow structure of the Wadi Arava fault (main
strand of the DST) down to a depth of ~1km. The main findings are published in Maercklin (2004)
and Haberland et al. (2007).
Additional Information
The Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP) provides field instruments for (temporary) seismological studies (both controlled source and earthquake seismology) and for magnetotelluric (electromagnetic) experiments. The GIPP is operated by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. The instrument facility is open for academic use. Instrument applications are evaluated and ranked by an external steering board. See Haberland and Ritter (2016) and for more information.
Maercklin, Nils;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
Haberland, Christian;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
Ryberg, Trond;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
Schulze, Albrecht;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
Weber, Michael;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
GIPP Support Team; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany;
CharacterString: SEG-Y data of small-scale high-resolution controlled-source seismic experiment to investigate the mesoscopic fault structure of the Wadi Arava fault, Dead Sea Transform.
The Dead Sea Transform (DST) is a major shear zone running for more than 1000km from the Red
Sea in the South to the Zagros mountain chain in the North. It accommodates the lateral
movement of the Sinai microplate and the Arabian shield; the total displacement along this shear
zone is >100km. As part of the DESERT 2000 research project, several geophysical studies on a
wide range of scales aimed to reveal the structure and evolution of the DST (Weber et al., 2009,
2010, and references therein). In October/November 2010 we conducted a high-resolution seismic
experiment in the central part of the Arava/Araba segment of the shear zone. The analysis of the
data (reflection seismics, tomography) revealed the shallow structure of the Wadi Arava fault (main
strand of the DST) down to a depth of ~1km. The main findings are published in Maercklin (2004)
and Haberland et al. (2007).
CharacterString: Central point of the DESERT Controlled Source Array II
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Decimal: 35.3299
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Decimal: 30.5672
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CharacterString: Data Access - DOI
CharacterString: Data Access - DOI
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