
HydReSGeo: Field experiment dataset of surface-sub-surface infiltration dynamics acquired by hydrological, remote sensing, and geophysical measurement techniques

Cite as:

Keller, Sina; Riese, Felix M.; Allroggen, Niklas; Jackisch, Conrad (2020): HydReSGeo: Field experiment dataset of surface-sub-surface infiltration dynamics acquired by hydrological, remote sensing, and geophysical measurement techniques. GFZ Data Services.


I   N       R   E   V   I   E   W : Keller, Sina; Riese, Felix M.; Allroggen, Niklas; Jackisch, Conrad (2020): HydReSGeo: Field experiment dataset of surface-sub-surface infiltration dynamics acquired by hydrological, remote sensing, and geophysical measurement techniques. GFZ Data Services.


This dataset comprises data of an interdisciplinary pedon-scale irrigation experiment at a grassland site near Karlsruhe, Germany, including pedo-hydrological, geophysical, and remote sensing data. The objective of this experiment is to monitor soil moisture dynamics during a well-defined infiltration process with a combination of direct and non-invasive techniques.

Overall, the quantification of soil water dynamics and, in particular, its spatial distributions is essential for the understanding of land-atmosphere interactions. However, the precise measurement of soil water dynamics and its spatial distribution in a continuous manner is a challenging task. Pedo-hydrological monitoring techniques rely on direct, point-based measurement with buried probes for soil water content and matric potential. Non-invasive remote sensing (RS) and geophysical measurement techniques allow for spatially continuous measurements on different spatial scales and extents. This experiment provides a basis for the analyses of signal coherence between the measurement techniques and disciplines. It contributes to forthcoming developments of monitoring setups and modeling approaches to landscape-water dynamics.

For direct monitoring, an array of time-domain reflectometry (TDR) probes and tensiometers was used. As non-invasive techniques, we applied a ground-penetrating radar (GPR), a hyperspectral snapshot sensor, a long-wave infrared (LWIR) sensor, and a hyperspectral field spectroradiometer. We provide the data in nearly raw format, including information about the site properties and calibration references. The data are organized along with the different sensors and disciplines. Thus, the distinct sensor data can also be used independently of each other. In addition, exemplary scripts for reading and processing the data are included.


  • Keller, Sina;Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Riese, Felix M.;Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Allroggen, Niklas;University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
  • Jackisch, Conrad;Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany



  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: From Catchments as Organised Systems to Models based on Dynamic Functional Units - CAOS  (1598)  


soil moisture, irrigation experiment, hyperspectral data, VNIR data, ground penetrating radar, LWIR data, interdisciplinary dataset, CAOS, Catchments as Organised Systems

GCMD Science Keywords

More Metadata

  • datacite: download xml
    • resource (xsi:schemaLocation=
      • identifier (identifierType=DOI): 10.5880/fidgeo.2020.015
      • creators
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Keller, Sina
          • givenName: Sina
          • familyName: Keller
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-7710-5316
          • affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Riese, Felix M.
          • givenName: Felix M.
          • familyName: Riese
          • affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Allroggen, Niklas
          • givenName: Niklas
          • familyName: Allroggen
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-7030-6457
          • affiliation: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
        • creator
          • creatorName (nameType=Personal): Jackisch, Conrad
          • givenName: Conrad
          • familyName: Jackisch
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-7389-1201
          • affiliation: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
      • titles
        • title: HydReSGeo: Field experiment dataset of surface-sub-surface infiltration dynamics acquired by hydrological, remote sensing, and geophysical measurement techniques
      • publisher: GFZ Data Services
      • publicationYear: 2020
      • subjects
        • subject: soil moisture
        • subject: irrigation experiment
        • subject: hyperspectral data
        • subject: VNIR data
        • subject: ground penetrating radar
        • subject: LWIR data
        • subject: interdisciplinary dataset
        • subject: CAOS
        • subject: Catchments as Organised Systems
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Instruments): Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Active Remote Sensing
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Instruments): Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Active Remote Sensing > Profilers/Sounders > Radar Sounders
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Instruments): Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Spectrometers/Radiometers > Hyperspectral Spectrometers/Radiometers
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Instruments): Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Thermal/Radiation Detectors
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Instruments): Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Thermal/Radiation Detectors > FLIR
        • subject (subjectScheme=NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords): EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SOILS > SOIL MOISTURE/WATER CONTENT
        • subject (subjectScheme=NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords): EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE
        • subject (subjectScheme=GCMD Instruments): In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Probes > SOIL MOISTURE PROBE
      • contributors
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Keller, Sina
          • givenName: Sina
          • familyName: Keller
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-7710-5316
          • affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ProjectLeader)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Keller, Sina
          • givenName: Sina
          • familyName: Keller
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-7710-5316
          • affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Allroggen, Niklas
          • givenName: Niklas
          • familyName: Allroggen
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0002-7030-6457
          • affiliation: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName (nameType=Personal): Jackisch, Conrad
          • givenName: Conrad
          • familyName: Jackisch
          • nameIdentifier (nameIdentifierScheme=ORCID): 0000-0001-7389-1201
          • affiliation: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Keller, Sina
          • affiliation: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Allroggen, Niklas
          • affiliation: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
        • contributor (contributorType=ContactPerson)
          • contributorName: Jackisch, Conrad
          • affiliation: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
      • dates
        • date (dateType=Collected): 2017-08-15/2017-08-21
      • resourceType (resourceTypeGeneral=Dataset): Dataset
      • relatedIdentifiers
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=URL relationType=IsSupplementTo):
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsSupplementTo): 10.1109/WHISPERS.2018.8747076
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=Cites): 10.1109/IWAGPR.2017.7996067
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=Cites): 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2048332
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=URL relationType=Cites):
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=Cites): 10.5194/hess-21-3749-2017
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=URL relationType=Cites):
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=IsSupplementTo): 10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-1-101-2018
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=Cites): 10.5281/zenodo.3576242
        • relatedIdentifier (relatedIdentifierType=DOI relationType=Cites): 10.5281/zenodo.3706418
      • sizes: 
      • formats: 
      • rightsList
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      • descriptions
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          • br: 
          • br: 
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      • geoLocations
        • geoLocation
          • geoLocationPlace: The experimental setup consists of 2 x 4 plots, each covering an area of one square meter
          • geoLocationPoint
            • pointLongitude: 8.44128
            • pointLatitude: 49.1313
      • fundingReferences
        • fundingReference
          • funderName: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
          • funderIdentifier (funderIdentifierType=Crossref Funder ID):
          • awardNumber: 1598
          • awardTitle: From Catchments as Organised Systems to Models based on Dynamic Functional Units - CAOS
  • iso19115: download xml
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        • Date: 2020-05-13
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              • title
                • CharacterString: HydReSGeo: Field experiment dataset of surface-sub-surface infiltration dynamics acquired by hydrological, remote sensing, and geophysical measurement techniques
              • date
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                    • Date: 2020-05-13
                  • dateType
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                    • CharacterString: doi:10.5880/fidgeo.2020.015
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                    • CharacterString: Keller, Sina
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
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                    • CharacterString: Riese, Felix M.
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
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                    • CharacterString: Allroggen, Niklas
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
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              • citedResponsibleParty (xlink:href=
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                  • individualName
                    • CharacterString: Jackisch, Conrad
                  • organisationName
                    • CharacterString: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
                  • role
                    • CI_RoleCode (codeList= codeListValue=author): author
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                    • CharacterString: GFZ Data Services
                  • role
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          • abstract
            • CharacterString: This dataset comprises data of an interdisciplinary pedon-scale irrigation experiment at a grassland site near Karlsruhe, Germany, including pedo-hydrological, geophysical, and remote sensing data. The objective of this experiment is to monitor soil moisture dynamics during a well-defined infiltration process with a combination of direct and non-invasive techniques. Overall, the quantification of soil water dynamics and, in particular, its spatial distributions is essential for the understanding of land-atmosphere interactions. However, the precise measurement of soil water dynamics and its spatial distribution in a continuous manner is a challenging task. Pedo-hydrological monitoring techniques rely on direct, point-based measurement with buried probes for soil water content and matric potential. Non-invasive remote sensing (RS) and geophysical measurement techniques allow for spatially continuous measurements on different spatial scales and extents. This experiment provides a basis for the analyses of signal coherence between the measurement techniques and disciplines. It contributes to forthcoming developments of monitoring setups and modeling approaches to landscape-water dynamics. For direct monitoring, an array of time-domain reflectometry (TDR) probes and tensiometers was used. As non-invasive techniques, we applied a ground-penetrating radar (GPR), a hyperspectral snapshot sensor, a long-wave infrared (LWIR) sensor, and a hyperspectral field spectroradiometer. We provide the data in nearly raw format, including information about the site properties and calibration references. The data are organized along with the different sensors and disciplines. Thus, the distinct sensor data can also be used independently of each other. In addition, exemplary scripts for reading and processing the data are included.
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                • CharacterString: Keller, Sina
              • organisationName
                • CharacterString: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
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                    • CI_Address
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                        • CharacterString: sina.keller(_at_)
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                • CharacterString: Allroggen, Niklas
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                • CharacterString: University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
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                        • CharacterString: niklas.allroggen(_at_)
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                • CharacterString: Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
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                        • CharacterString: c.jackisch(_at_)
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              • keyword
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              • keyword
                • CharacterString: ground penetrating radar
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: LWIR data
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: interdisciplinary dataset
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: CAOS
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Catchments as Organised Systems
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              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Active Remote Sensing > Profilers/Sounders > Radar Sounders
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Spectrometers/Radiometers > Hyperspectral Spectrometers/Radiometers
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Thermal/Radiation Detectors
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Thermal/Radiation Detectors > FLIR
              • keyword
                • CharacterString: In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Probes > SOIL MOISTURE PROBE
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              • keyword
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                  • date
                    • CI_Date
                      • date (gco:nilReason=missing): 
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                • CharacterString: The experimental setup consists of 2 x 4 plots, each covering an area of one square meter
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                  • eastBoundLongitude
                    • Decimal: 8.44128
                  • southBoundLatitude
                    • Decimal: 49.1313
                  • northBoundLatitude
                    • Decimal: 49.1313
              • temporalElement
                • EX_TemporalExtent
                  • extent
                    • TimePeriod (xsi:type=gml:TimePeriodType gml:id=T612e15624441c)
                      • beginPosition: 2017-08-15
                      • endPosition: 2017-08-21
      • distributionInfo
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  • download


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    License: CC BY 4.0