
A global gridded data set on tillage

Cite as:

Porwollik, Vera; Rolinski, Susanne; Müller, Christoph (2018): A global gridded data set on tillage. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services.


I   N       R   E   V   I   E   W : Porwollik, Vera; Rolinski, Susanne; Müller, Christoph (2018): A global gridded data set on tillage. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services.

There is a new version of this dataset:

  • Abstract

    Tillage is a central element in agricultural soil management and has direct and indirect effects on processes in the biosphere. Effects of agricultural soil management can be assessed by soil, crop, and ecosystem models but global assessments are hampered by lack of information on type and spatial distribution. This dataset is the result of a study on global classification of tillage practices and the spatially explicit mapping of crop-specific tillage systems for around the year 2005.

    This global gridded tillage system data set is dedicated to modeling communities interested in the quantitative assessment of biophysical and biogeochemical impacts of land use and soil management on cropland. The data set is complemented by the publication of the R- code and can be used for reproducing and build upon for scenarios including the expansion of sustainable soil management practices as Conservation Agriculture (Porwollik et al. 2018, Both, the data set and the R-code are described in detail in Porwollik et al. (2018, ESSD).

    We present the mapping result of six tillage systems for 42 crop types and potential suitable Conservation Agriculture area as the following variables:

    We present the mapping result of six tillage systems for 42 crop types and potentially suitable Conservation Agriculture area as variables:
    1 = conventional annual tillage
    2 = traditional annual tillage
    3 = reduced tillage
    4 = Conservation Agriculture
    5 = rotational tillage
    6 = traditional rotational tillage
    7 = potential suitable Conservation Agriculture area

    Reference system: WGS84
    Geographic extent: Longitude (min, max) (-180, 180), Latitude (min, max) (-56, 84)
    Resolution: 5 arc-minutes
    Time period covered: around the year 2005
    Type: NetCDF

    Dataset sources (with indication of reference):

    1. Grid cell allocation key to country: IFPRI/IIASA (2017,
    2. Crop-specific physical cropland: IFPRI/IIASA (2017,
    3. SoilGrids depth to bedrock: Hengl et al. (2014)
    4. Aridity index: FAO (2015)
    5. Conservation Agriculture area: FAO (2016)
    6. Income level: World Bank (2017)
    7. Field size: Fritz et al. (2015)
    8. Water erosion: Nachtergaele et al. (2011)

    Additional Information

    This tillage dataset is made available under the Open Database License: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License:


    • Porwollik, Vera;Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
    • Rolinski, Susanne;Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
    • Müller, Christoph;Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany


    • Porwollik, Vera (PhD candidate) ; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany;


    Heinke, Jens


    tillage, plowing, soil management, gridded data, Conservation Agriculture, ploughing

    GCMD Science Keywords


    Click/hover over markers or bounding boxes to see related details. Click/hover over details to see related marker or bounding box. To explore to full geographic extent of the map please click and drag the map


      License: Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)

      Dataset Description

      Supplement to